Work Health and Safety in Schools
Schools are in fact quite high risk environments with a lot of various interests intertwined together.
Now when harmonisation has arrived – with the exception of Western Australia and Victoria all jurisdictions in Australia are now bound by the provisions of the harmonised work health and safety legislation. All businesses or undertakings operating in NSW, ACT, Queensland, Northern Territory, South Australia and Tasmania, including schools, must now comply with the legislation.
As was identified by SafeWork Australia a good school safety management system will:
Ensure health and safety responsibilities are identified and known, including responsibilities set out in health and safety legislation.
Have senior managers taking an active role in health and safety.
Encourage supervisor involvement in health and safety.
Have health and safety representatives who are actively and broadly involved in health and safety management system activity.
Have effective health and safety committees.
Have a planned approach to hazard identification and risk assessment.
Give high priority and consistent attention to control of hazards at source.
Have a comprehensive approach to workplace inspections and incident investigations.
Have developed purchasing systems, including contractor management solutions.
Do you know whether your school’s safety management system will measure up? How can you find out? As specialists in providing health and safety consulting services to the education sector we can assist by providing the following services in addition to helping you to build the above system:
- safety management system assessment (measurement, compliance and development)
- operational risk assessments
- health and safety training and coaching
- safety culture development
We can measure your existing safety management system’s capability and, if needs be, help you achieve compliance, best practice or certification level in Safety. Call now for a free, no obligation consultation: 8911 0408 or 1300 856 310 0 or email